Analytical Mechanics Associates

Katy Steele on using Leapsome to create clarity and transparency on goal progression

AMA works with government and commercial organizations to solve engineering, math, and business problems. They use the latest in information technology and visualization to build innovative solutions.
Hampton, VA, USA (HQ)
Company size
Features used
  • Reviews
  • Surveys
  • Goals

“We at the Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA) spent almost a year looking for software that would best fit our needs for goal setting, quarterly coaching sessions, and performance evaluations. We wanted to make these processes much more user-friendly for our employees and managers.

Before Leapsome, our processes relied on email alone and lacked the capabilities to show our employees how their goals impact the company at large

Leapsome has made it much easier for our managers and employees to record data for goals and coaching sessions. What’s more, the clarity of goal progression at the company level has improved leadership meetings and strategic planning.

Finally, as a company of around 500 employees living coast to coast [in the United States], Leapsome has also provided more ways to keep our employees engaged.

Katy L. Steele
Executive Administrator & Communications Manager

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