
Activate the Ashby ATS integration to automatically import candidate data in Leapsome HRIS.

Illustration of person stacking blocks, by LeapsomeIllustration of person moving a scale on a website.
Illustration of a person carrying a rectangular box into an open shelf.Illustration of a person holding a puzzle piece while sitting at a desk with a laptop, by Leapsome

Illustration of two people carrying a box over stairs, another two stacking blocks mid-air, and another two working on a board with boxes and scales, transparent background

Bildschirmfoto mit sofortigem Feedback
Bildschirmfoto mit öffentlichem Lob

Bildschirmfoto mit sofortigem Feedback


Activate the Ashby ATS integration to automatically import candidate data in Leapsome HRIS.

Die AI-gestützte HR-Plattform für moderne Unternehmen

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