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About Leapsome

Enabling managers to become effective coaches with the all-new Manager Dashboard

Leapsome Team
Enabling managers to become effective coaches with the all-new Manager Dashboard
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Building high-performing and engaged teams is the foundation for becoming a thriving organization.

Managers are often tasked with the mission of creating such transformative teams.

At Leapsome, we believe that empowering managers with the right tools and accurate, unbiased data, is essential to supporting the growth and success of their teams and the team members.

That’s why we built the Manager Dashboard

Our goal was to enable managers to have an overview of how their teams are doing, so that they can make better decisions, supporting and coaching their teams in the best way possible. 

Let’s take a look at the Manager Dashboard.

Get an overview of where the team stands

The team dashboard provides a quick snapshot of where the team stands. It equips managers and team leads with an overview of their teams’ progress on goals, the status of performance reviews, an understanding of the instant feedback exchanged, and insights into team strengths and weaknesses.

Easy for managers to track progress of team goals

Managers need to understand if the team is on track to achieve its goals. An overview of the progress on goals allows them to have productive discussions during 1:1s and offer feedback, coaching, and support to their reports.

The goals panel displays the goals owned by direct reports, the status of the goals (i.e., on-track, delayed, off-track, etc.), and the aggregate goal progress made by each of the reports.

Facilitate performance management with quick access to review progress 

Managers know the status of performance and 360° reviews to ensure everyone gets the right feedback at the right time from the right person. 

The reviews panel provides an overview of the review cycle, participants, and the status of each contributor, along with the manager score from the review cycle. It even makes it easy to access past reviews.

Nudge managers to provide (instant) feedback & praise

Managers can access instant feedback stats, nudging them to provide more feedback and strengthening a culture of growth and learning within the team.

The feedback panel gives an overview of feedback received, sent, and requested.

Identify gaps in team competencies & training opportunities

Enable managers to understand team strengths and weaknesses, so that they can take the necessary steps to boost performance.

Get a glimpse of what’s happening in the team

Keep managers in the know of what’s happening in the team with a constantly updated news feed. 

Enable managers to build high-performing, engaged teams

We’re thrilled to help managers in their mission to build high-performing and engaged teams. The manager dashboard provides an overview of team performance and engagement, so that managers can make better decisions in supporting their direct reports in the best way possible.

— Interested in learning how managers can use Leapsome to build high-performing teams? Book a demo and speak with one of our experts.

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Leapsome Team

Written by the team at Leapsome — the all-in-one people enablement platform for driving employee engagement, performance, and learning.
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